
genestack-shell is installed with the Python Client Library and can be accessed from a terminal by typing genestack-shell.


This script can be used both in interactive shell mode and in static command-line mode:

usage: [-H <host>] [-u <user>] [-p <password>] [--token <api-token>]
                   [--debug] [--show-logs] [-h] [-v]

Shell and commandline application

positional arguments:
  <command>                   "time", "call", "groups" or empty to use shell

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                  show this help message and exit
  -v, --version               show version

  -H <host>, --host <host>    server host
  -u <user>, --user <user>    user alias from settings or email
  -p <password>, --password <password>
                              user password
  --token <api-token>         API token to be used instead of the login and
  --debug                     include server stacktrace into error messages
                              (implies --show-logs)
  --show-logs                 print application logs received from server to

You can get a description for every command by typing:

$ genestack-shell command -h

In shell mode, type help to get a list of available commands. Use help command to get help for a specific command.

See Connecting to a Genestack instance for more information about connection arguments.

genestack-shell exits with 0 return code in case of success, 1 in case of various nondescript errors, and 13 if server requires newer Python Client version.


  • call:

    usage: call [-h] [-H <host>] [-u <user>] [-p <password>]
                            [--token <api-token>] [--debug] [--show-logs]
                            applicationId method ...
    call another application's method
    command arguments:
      applicationId               full application id
      method                      application method
      params                      params
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help                  show this help message and exit
      -H <host>, --host <host>    server host
      -u <user>, --user <user>    user alias from settings or email
      -p <password>, --password <password>
                                  user password
      --token <api-token>         API token to be used instead of the login and
      --debug                     include server stacktrace into error messages
                                  (implies --show-logs)
      --show-logs                 print application logs received from server to
  • groups:

    usage: groups [-h] [-H <host>] [-u <user>] [-p <password>]
                              [--token <api-token>] [--debug] [--show-logs]
    print information about user groups
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help                  show this help message and exit
      -H <host>, --host <host>    server host
      -u <user>, --user <user>    user alias from settings or email
      -p <password>, --password <password>
                                  user password
      --token <api-token>         API token to be used instead of the login and
      --debug                     include server stacktrace into error messages
                                  (implies --show-logs)
      --show-logs                 print application logs received from server to
  • time:

    usage: time [-h] [-H <host>] [-u <user>] [-p <password>]
                            [--token <api-token>] [--debug] [--show-logs]
                            applicationId method ...
    invoke with timer
    command arguments:
      applicationId               full application id
      method                      application method
      params                      params
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help                  show this help message and exit
      -H <host>, --host <host>    server host
      -u <user>, --user <user>    user alias from settings or email
      -p <password>, --password <password>
                                  user password
      --token <api-token>         API token to be used instead of the login and
      --debug                     include server stacktrace into error messages
                                  (implies --show-logs)
      --show-logs                 print application logs received from server to